Explaining St. Nicholas Day to a Child Made Easy & Fun

  • By: admin
  • Date: September 19, 2023
  • Time to read: 13 min.

Are you ready to teach your child about St. Nicholas Day but not sure how to make it engaging and fun? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! With a little creativity, you can easily explain the significance of St. Nicholas Day to your child and make it an enjoyable learning experience.

St. Nicholas Day is a holiday celebrated on December 6th that honors the life of Saint Nicholas, a Christian bishop who was known for his acts of kindness and generosity. It’s a popular tradition in many countries, including Germany, Poland, and the Netherlands, and is a wonderful opportunity to teach children about the importance of giving and spreading holiday cheer.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of explaining St. Nicholas Day to your child, from the story of St. Nicholas to fun activities and traditions you can enjoy together as a family. Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways:

  • St. Nicholas Day is a holiday celebrated on December 6th.
  • It honors the life of Saint Nicholas, a Christian bishop known for his acts of kindness and generosity.
  • Explaining St. Nicholas Day to your child can be engaging and fun with a little creativity.

What is St. Nicholas Day?

St. Nicholas Day is celebrated on December 6th and is named after the Christian saint, St. Nicholas. It is a holiday that is widely celebrated in Europe and has become increasingly popular in the United States.

St. Nicholas Day is particularly special for children, who look forward to receiving small gifts and treats from St. Nicholas. The holiday has become known for the tradition of filling shoes or stockings with small presents and sweets.

St. Nicholas Day is also a time to reflect on the life and legacy of St. Nicholas. He lived in the 4th century in what is now Turkey and was known for his generosity and kindness towards children and those in need.

St. Nicholas is remembered for his many good deeds, including giving gifts to the poor, rescuing sailors from shipwrecks, and providing dowries for young women. His spirit of giving and compassion is what makes St. Nicholas Day such a special and beloved holiday.

what is st nickolas day

Now that you have a better understanding of what St. Nicholas Day is all about, it’s time to delve into the story of St. Nicholas and his legacy of kindness and generosity.

The Story of St. Nicholas

St. Nicholas was a bishop who lived in Myra, a city in present-day Turkey, during the fourth century. He was known for his generosity and compassion towards the poor and sick.

One of the most famous stories about St. Nicholas tells of a poor man who had three daughters. The man was unable to provide a dowry for his daughters, which meant they would not be able to marry. St. Nicholas heard of their plight and decided to help.

Late one night, Nicholas threw a bag of gold through an open window of the man’s house. The gold landed in a stocking that had been left to dry by the fire. This act of kindness allowed the eldest daughter to marry. Nicholas repeated the act for the other two daughters, and soon the news of his generosity spread.”

St. Nicholas became known as the protector of children, sailors, and the poor. He eventually became the patron saint of many countries, including Greece, Russia, and the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, he is known as Sinterklaas, which was later anglicized to Santa Claus in North America.

how to explain st nickolas day to a child

St. Nicholas Day is celebrated on December 6th in many countries around the world. It is a day when children leave their shoes out overnight, hoping to wake up to find them filled with treats from St. Nicholas.

The Legend of St. Nicholas and the Three Children

Another well-known story about St. Nicholas involves three children who were butchered by a wicked innkeeper and pickled in a barrel. St. Nicholas discovered the crime and prayed to God to restore the children to life. Miraculously, the boys emerged from the barrel unharmed.

The story of St. Nicholas and the three children became a popular subject for medieval artists and remains a well-known part of his legend.

St. Nicholas Day Traditions

St. Nicholas Day is celebrated in various ways around the world. Here are some popular traditions you can incorporate into your family’s celebrations:

Tradition Description
Leaving Shoes Out Kids leave their shoes out on the night of December 5th to be filled with treats by St. Nicholas. This tradition is especially popular in European countries.
Gift Giving Some families exchange small gifts or ornaments on St. Nicholas Day as a way to kick off the holiday season.
Feasting In some cultures, feasting on traditional foods is a big part of St. Nicholas Day celebrations. For example, in Germany, people may enjoy delicious treats like gingerbread and Stollen.

If you’re looking for a fun activity to do with your child, consider making your own St. Nicholas Day crafts. You can create ornaments, decorations, or even a special St. Nicholas Day-themed dessert.

st nickolas day traditions

Remember, the traditions you choose to incorporate into your family’s celebrations can be unique to your own family and cultural background. Use this as an opportunity to create new traditions and make lasting memories with your child.

St. Nicholas Day Activities for Children

St. Nicholas Day is a fun and exciting day for children, filled with the anticipation of treats and fun activities. Here are some ideas to make the day even more special:

1. Making Crafts

Get creative with your child by making St. Nicholas Day crafts together. You can make paper-bag puppets of St. Nicholas, or create a decoration for your Christmas tree using felt or construction paper. You can find many craft ideas online to help inspire your creativity.

2. Baking Cookies

What better way to celebrate than by baking delicious St. Nicholas Day cookies? You can use cookie cutters to make fun shapes like stars or St. Nicholas himself. You can also add festive decorations like colored sprinkles or icing.

3. Singing Christmas Carols

St. Nicholas Day is a great opportunity to sing Christmas carols with your child. You can teach them traditional carols like “Jingle Bells” or “Deck the Halls,” or even create your own holiday songs to sing together. It’s a great way to create lasting memories together.

4. Watching Holiday Movies

Take the time to snuggle up with your child and watch a holiday movie together. You can choose a classic like “A Charlie Brown Christmas” or “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” or even a newer film like “The Polar Express.” Don’t forget the popcorn!

5. Sharing with Others

St. Nicholas was known for his generosity and kindness, so why not teach your child to follow in his footsteps? Encourage your child to share their treats and toys with others, or even volunteer together at a local shelter or food bank. It’s a great way to spread joy and help those in need.

st nickolas day activities for children

Making St. Nicholas Day Personal

One of the best ways to make St. Nicholas Day special for your child is to personalize the celebration. This can involve creating your own family traditions that incorporate elements of the holiday. For example, you might encourage your child to write a letter to St. Nicholas, expressing their gratitude for the gifts they have received throughout the year. You could also bake special treats together, such as St. Nicholas-shaped cookies.

Another way to make the holiday personal is to involve your child in the planning process. Ask them what they would like to do to celebrate St. Nicholas Day and take their ideas into consideration. This can help them feel more invested in the holiday and create a sense of excitement and anticipation.

You might also consider incorporating elements of your family’s culture or heritage into the celebration. For example, if your family has a history of celebrating St. Nicholas Day in a particular way, you can pass that tradition down to your child and make it a part of their own identity and cultural heritage.

Remember, the most important thing is to make the celebration meaningful for your child. By incorporating their interests and personality into the holiday, you can create a lasting memory that they will cherish for years to come.

st nickolas day activities for children

Explaining the Importance of Giving

St. Nicholas Day is more than just a fun holiday for children. It’s an opportunity to instill the value of giving in your child. It’s important to explain to your child that St. Nicholas was a generous man who cared about others and shared what he had with those in need. By teaching children about the spirit of giving, you can help to create a more compassionate and empathetic child.

Emphasize to your child that giving doesn’t have to be about material items. Kindness, compassion, and empathy are all forms of giving that can be just as valuable as physical gifts. Encourage your child to think about how they can give to others, whether it’s by volunteering their time, sharing a toy with a friend, or simply offering a kind word to someone who needs it.

It’s important to make giving a regular part of your family’s life, not just something that happens on St. Nicholas Day. Set an example for your child by practicing generosity throughout the year. By showing your child how rewarding it can be to give to others, you’re helping to shape them into a more empathetic, caring, and thoughtful person.

st nickolas day importance of giving

Answering Children’s Questions

As you explain the story of St. Nicholas and the traditions associated with his feast day, your child may have questions. Here are some common questions and how you can answer them:

  1. Who is St. Nicholas? – St. Nicholas was a real person who lived a long time ago. He was a bishop in a place called Myra, which is now in Turkey. He was known for his kindness and generosity, and he became famous for helping people in need.
  2. Why do we celebrate St. Nicholas Day? – We celebrate St. Nicholas Day to honor the memory of St. Nicholas and to celebrate his spirit of giving and kindness.
  3. Why do we leave our shoes out for St. Nicholas? – In some countries, children leave their shoes out for St. Nicholas to fill with treats on his feast day. This tradition is a way of remembering how St. Nicholas helped those in need by leaving gifts for them.
  4. Is St. Nicholas the same as Santa Claus? – St. Nicholas is the historical figure who inspired the legend of Santa Claus. Santa Claus is a fictional character based on the stories and traditions of St. Nicholas.
  5. Can we celebrate St. Nicholas Day even if we’re not religious? – Yes! St. Nicholas Day is celebrated by people of many different religions and backgrounds as a way to remember the importance of giving and kindness.

Remember, it’s okay if you don’t know all the answers! Encourage your child to ask questions and do some research together to learn more about St. Nicholas Day.

St. Nicholas Day Traditions

Creating Lasting Memories

St. Nicholas Day presents a unique opportunity to create lasting memories with your child. Whether it’s baking traditional St. Nicholas cookies, decorating your home with festive decorations, or participating in community events, there are endless possibilities for making this holiday special.

One fun activity to try with your child is creating a St. Nicholas Day craft. You can make a paper stocking to represent the stockings that children in Europe leave out for St. Nicholas to fill with treats. Help your child decorate the stocking with glitter, stickers, and other fun embellishments. Hang it up on St. Nicholas Eve and let your child wake up to a surprise.

St. Nicholas Day craft

Another way to make the holiday personal is by creating your own family traditions. For example, you could start the day with a special breakfast of hot chocolate and St. Nicholas Day cookies. Or, you could write letters to Santa and St. Nicholas, asking for their blessings and thanking them for their kindness throughout the year.

Participating in community events is also a great way to create memories and connect with others. Check your local area for St. Nicholas Day parades, festivals, or charity drives. Volunteer with your child at a local shelter or food bank to spread the spirit of giving that St. Nicholas represents.

Whatever activities you choose to do with your child on St. Nicholas Day, remember that the goal is to create special memories that your child will cherish for years to come. By making this holiday personal and meaningful, you can instill in your child the values of kindness, generosity, and love that St. Nicholas Day embodies.


Explaining St. Nicholas Day to your child can be a fun and meaningful experience. By learning about the origins of the holiday and the story of St. Nicholas, your child can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the spirit of giving and kindness.

There are many traditions and activities associated with St. Nicholas Day that you can incorporate into your family’s celebration. From leaving shoes out for St. Nicholas to fill with treats, to baking cookies and making crafts, the possibilities are endless.

By personalizing the celebration of St. Nicholas Day for your child, you can create a special family tradition that will create lasting memories and strengthen your bond as a family. Answering your child’s questions about the holiday and emphasizing the importance of giving can further deepen their understanding and appreciation.

In conclusion, explaining St. Nicholas Day to your child can be a wonderful experience that promotes kindness, generosity, and family togetherness. So, embrace the holiday and enjoy making it a special occasion for your family each year.

How Can I Make Explaining Half of 1 to a Child Fun and Simple?

Looking for fun tips to explain half of 1 to a child? Try dividing a whole pizza into two equal halves and let your child choose one. Show how one half is the same as 0.5 or one out of two parts. Alternatively, use toys or fruits to visually demonstrate the concept. Making it interactive and visual can make learning fractions enjoyable for kids.


Q: How do I explain St. Nicholas Day to a child in a fun and engaging way?

A: Explaining St. Nicholas Day to a child can be made easy and fun by sharing the story of St. Nicholas and his acts of kindness. You can talk about how St. Nicholas used to secretly leave treats for children in their shoes on December 6th, and how this tradition continues today. You can also involve your child in fun activities like making crafts or baking cookies to celebrate St. Nicholas Day.

Q: What is St. Nicholas Day?

A: St. Nicholas Day is a holiday celebrated on December 6th to honor St. Nicholas, a Christian saint known for his generosity and kindness. It is a day when children around the world receive treats and gifts in their shoes or stockings as a symbol of St. Nicholas’ secret gift-giving.

Q: Can you tell me the story of St. Nicholas?

A: Certainly! St. Nicholas was a bishop who lived in the 4th century in what is now modern-day Turkey. He was known for his acts of kindness and generosity, especially towards children and the less fortunate. One famous story tells of how St. Nicholas secretly provided dowries for three young girls whose father couldn’t afford to marry them off. This act of kindness inspired the tradition of giving gifts on St. Nicholas Day.

Q: What are some St. Nicholas Day traditions?

A: St. Nicholas Day is associated with various traditions. One common tradition is for children to leave their shoes out on the night of December 5th to be filled with treats by St. Nicholas. Another tradition is to exchange small gifts or treats with family and friends. Some cultures also celebrate with parades, festive meals, and storytelling about St. Nicholas.

Q: What are some St. Nicholas Day activities for children?

A: There are many fun activities that children can enjoy on St. Nicholas Day. They can make crafts like St. Nicholas masks or ornaments, decorate cookies in the shape of shoes or stockings, or even write letters to St. Nicholas expressing their gratitude or wishes. It’s also a great time to read stories or watch movies about St. Nicholas and his joyful spirit of giving.

Q: How can I make St. Nicholas Day personal for my child?

A: To make St. Nicholas Day special and personal for your child, you can involve them in the preparations, like decorating the house or choosing treats to leave out for St. Nicholas. You can also create a family tradition around St. Nicholas Day, such as sharing stories about acts of kindness or volunteering together to help those in need. Making it a time for family and bonding will make it even more meaningful to your child.

Q: How can I explain the importance of giving to my child on St. Nicholas Day?

A: St. Nicholas Day is a wonderful opportunity to teach children about the importance of giving and kindness. You can explain to your child that just like St. Nicholas, we can bring joy and happiness to others by doing kind deeds and sharing what we have. Encourage your child to think about ways they can help others, whether it’s through donating toys or clothes, volunteering, or simply showing acts of kindness to those around them.

Q: How do I answer my child’s questions about St. Nicholas Day?

A: When your child asks questions about St. Nicholas Day, it’s important to provide age-appropriate answers. You can tell them that St. Nicholas was a kind man who loved to help others, and that we celebrate his spirit of giving on St. Nicholas Day. If they ask about the logistics of how gifts appear or how St. Nicholas travels, you can explain that it’s a magical tradition and leave it at that. Encourage their curiosity and let them know that the joy and excitement of St. Nicholas Day is what matters most.

Q: How can St. Nicholas Day create lasting memories for my family?

A: St. Nicholas Day can be a special time for creating lasting memories and bonding as a family. You can involve your children in the preparations, like decorating the house or baking treats together. Make it a tradition to exchange small gifts or notes of appreciation, and spend quality time together as a family. These moments of shared joy and warmth will create cherished memories that your children will carry with them for years to come.

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