How to Explain Lent to a Child: Simple Tips for Parents

  • By: admin
  • Date: September 19, 2023
  • Time to read: 11 min.

If you celebrate the Christian faith, you may be wondering how to explain the significance of Lent to your child. Lent is a season of reflection, repentance, and preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection at Easter. It is important to explain Lent to children in a way that is age-appropriate and engaging, so that they may better understand and appreciate the significance of this special time.

During Lent, Christians are encouraged to participate in practices such as fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. These practices can be difficult for young children to understand, but with the right approach, you can help them develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for Lent.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lent is a season of reflection, repentance, and preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection at Easter.
  • It is important to explain Lent to children in a way that is age-appropriate and engaging.
  • During Lent, Christians are encouraged to participate in practices such as fasting, prayer, and almsgiving.
thermodynamics for kids

What is Lent: Explaining the Meaning to Kids

If you’re wondering how to explain Lent to a child, it’s important to start with the basics. Lent is a season of the Christian faith that occurs in the weeks leading up to Easter. It is a time of reflection, sacrifice, and preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.

During Lent, Christians often fast or give up something that they enjoy as a way of showing their commitment to their faith. This could be something like sweets, social media, or video games. Lent is also a time for prayer and giving to those in need through acts of charity or almsgiving.

Explaining the meaning of Lent to kids can be done in a simple and age-appropriate way. You can explain that during Lent, people try to be more like Jesus by doing good deeds and living more simply. Encourage kids to think of ways they can do the same in their own lives.

lent meaning for kids

It’s important to note that Lent is not just about giving up things or following rules. It’s about cultivating a deeper relationship with God and growing in faith. By explaining Lent to kids in this way, you can help them understand the true meaning of the season and how it can be a time of growth and spiritual reflection.

Lenten Traditions for Kids: Making Lent Accessible and Engaging

Lent is a time to reflect, repent, and prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, but it can be challenging to explain its significance to children. However, making Lent accessible and engaging for children is possible when you introduce them to Lenten traditions that are age-appropriate and fun.

One of the main traditions during Lent is fasting, which involves giving up something like sweets or electronics for 40 days. This practice helps children understand the concept of sacrifice and self-discipline. You can encourage your child to fast from something specific and explain that it’s a way to honor God and grow spiritually.

Lenten Tradition Description
Prayer Encourage your child to pray every day during Lent. You can create a prayer corner in your home with a candle, Bible, and other religious items to provide a peaceful place for prayer.
Almsgiving Teach your child the importance of giving to those in need during Lent. You can encourage them to donate their time, money, or talents to a charity or volunteer organization.
Sacrifice Encourage your child to give up something they enjoy, like screen time, to honor God during Lent. Explain that this practice helps them focus on their faith and spiritual growth.

Another Lenten tradition you can introduce to your child is creating a Lenten calendar. This activity helps children understand the 40 days of Lent and offers a visual aid to track their progress. You can also incorporate Bible verses or reflection questions on the calendar to inspire spiritual reflection.

Additionally, you can engage your child in activities that inspire kindness and compassion towards others. For example, you can encourage them to perform acts of kindness such as writing a letter to a friend or neighbor, creating care packages for the elderly, or donating food to a local shelter. These activities help children understand the importance of love and compassion during Lent and beyond.

Lenten traditions for kids

Making Lent accessible and engaging for your child may require some creativity, but it can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for the whole family. Incorporating Lenten traditions, engaging in activities that inspire compassion and kindness towards others, and fasting from something specific can help your child grow spiritually and deepen their understanding of their faith.

Explaining the Lenten Symbols: Simple Visuals for Children

If you want your child to understand the meaning behind Lenten symbols, it’s important to explain them in a way that is simple and engaging. Here are some of the most important symbols of the Lenten season:

Symbol Meaning
Cross The symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross
Ashes A symbol of repentance and mortality
Purple color A symbol of penance, royalty, and preparation

The cross is perhaps the most recognizable symbol of Christianity and represents Jesus’ sacrifice for humanity. During Lent, Christians often display crosses both as a symbol of their faith and as a reminder of the sacrifice that Jesus made.

Ashes are another important symbol of the Lenten season. On Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, many Christians attend services where they receive ashes on their foreheads. These ashes represent repentance and are a reminder that humans are mortal and will one day return to dust.

The color purple is also closely associated with Lent. It represents penance, royalty, and preparation for the arrival of Easter. When explaining the meaning of this color to your child, you can emphasize the need to prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection and the importance of sacrifice and self-discipline during Lent.

Lenten Symbols for Children

Lenten Practices at Church: Attending Services with Children

Attending church services during Lent is an important part of the Lenten season. It is a time to come together as a community to reflect, pray, and prepare for the celebration of Easter. As a parent, you may be wondering how to make these services engaging and accessible for your children. Here are some tips:

Prepare your child beforehand

Explain to your child what they can expect during the service. Describe the format of the service and the significance of the different parts, such as the readings and the prayers. Answer any questions your child may have and encourage them to participate by following along in the hymnal or prayer book.

Involve your child in the service

Find ways to involve your child in the service, such as asking them to help light candles or collect the offering. Encourage them to listen for key messages or themes during the sermon and discuss these with them afterwards.

Make it visually interesting

You can make the service more visually interesting for your child by pointing out the symbols of Lent, such as the purple vestments and the cross. You can also bring along quiet activities for your child to do, such as coloring pages related to Lenten themes.

Tip: Consider attending children’s services or family-friendly services that are specifically designed for young children.

Attending Lenten services with your child is a great way to strengthen their understanding of the season and deepen their connection to their faith. With a little preparation and creativity, you can make these services engaging, educational, and meaningful for your child.

lenten practices at church

Addressing Difficult Questions: Talking About Sacrifice and Temptation

As you explain Lent to your child, they may have some difficult questions about the concept of sacrifice and temptation. It is important to provide simple and age-appropriate explanations to help them understand these concepts.

One common question is why people give up certain things during Lent. You can explain that giving up something you enjoy during Lent is a way to show self-discipline and remember the sacrifices that Jesus made for us. Encourage your child to think about something they can give up that will help them grow spiritually or benefit others.

Another question your child may have is why Jesus was tempted in the desert. You can explain that Jesus was tempted to show that he could resist temptation, just as we also try to resist temptation during Lent. Encourage your child to talk about the temptations they face and ways they can overcome them.

It is important to emphasize that Lent is a time for growth and spiritual reflection. Encourage open dialogue with your child and offer reassurance that it is okay to struggle with sacrifice and temptation. By talking about these difficult questions, you can help your child understand the true meaning of Lent.

“Giving up something you enjoy during Lent is a way to show self-discipline and remember the sacrifices that Jesus made for us.”
understanding lent for kids

Lenten Activities for Kids: Engaging and Educational Ideas

To deepen your child’s understanding of Lent, try incorporating some of these engaging and educational activities into your family’s routine:

Activity Description
Read Lenten Bible Stories Read or tell your child stories from the Bible that relate to Lent, such as Jesus’ journey into the desert or his crucifixion. Discuss the meanings behind these stories and how they relate to Lenten themes of sacrifice and repentance.
Create a Lenten Calendar Make a calendar with 40 days leading up to Easter and mark each day with a Lenten activity or reflection. This can include charitable acts, prayers, or readings from the Bible.
Make Lenten Crafts Create crafts that relate to Lenten themes, such as crosses, purple cloths, or prayer beads. These crafts can serve as visual reminders for children to reflect on the meaning of Lent.
Perform Acts of Kindness Encourage your child to perform acts of kindness, such as donating toys or clothes to charity, baking cookies for a neighbor, or writing a thank-you note to someone special. These acts of kindness can help children understand the importance of giving and sacrifice during Lent.
Attend Church Services Bring your child to Lenten church services, such as Ash Wednesday or Stations of the Cross. Discuss the meanings behind the rituals and encourage your child to participate in age-appropriate ways, such as saying prayers or singing hymns.
Practice Fasting and Abstinence Encourage your child to give up something during Lent, such as sweets or screen time. Explain the concept of sacrifice and self-discipline, and discuss how fasting can help us focus on our spiritual lives.

These activities can help children understand the significance of Lent in a fun and interactive way. They can also help foster a deeper connection to their faith and a greater appreciation for the message of sacrifice and redemption that Lent embodies.

Lenten Activities for Kids

Emphasizing Love and Compassion: Teaching the Heart of Lent

Lent is a season of reflection and repentance, but it is also a time to focus on love and compassion towards others. As you teach your child about Lent, it’s important to emphasize the value of caring for those in need and showing kindness to others.

One way to encourage your child to show compassion is to engage in charitable acts together. You could volunteer at a local food bank or homeless shelter, or collect items to donate to a charity of your choice. This not only helps those in need, but also provides an opportunity for your child to learn about empathy and giving back.

Another way to emphasize love and compassion during Lent is to read stories about Jesus’ teachings and acts of kindness. The Bible is full of examples of Jesus showing love and compassion towards others, and these stories can serve as inspiration for your child’s own actions.

Finally, you can teach your child about the importance of forgiveness during Lent. Forgiveness is a key component of love and compassion, and it’s important to model and encourage forgiveness in your daily life. Talk to your child about the importance of forgiving others and seeking forgiveness when necessary.

teaching the heart of lent

By emphasizing love and compassion during Lent, you are teaching your child the true heart of this holy season. Through acts of kindness, empathy, and forgiveness, your child can deepen their understanding of the love that Jesus showed for all people.


Explaining Lent to children can be a rewarding experience for both parents and kids. By making Lent accessible and engaging, you can help your child understand the significance of this important season in the Christian faith. Remember to incorporate Lenten traditions, explain the symbols, attend church services, address your child’s questions, and engage in activities that foster understanding and spiritual growth.

By emphasizing love, compassion, and caring for others during Lent, you can teach your child the true heart of this season. Encourage your child to find ways to help others and share stories of acts of love and compassion during Lent to inspire their own actions.

With these simple tips, you can help your child develop a deeper understanding of Lent and its importance in the Christian faith.

how to explain simile to a child

Is Explaining the Second Coming to a Child Similar to Explaining Lent?

Explaining the second coming to a child is not quite like explaining Lent. While Lent focuses on the sacrifice of Jesus and the season leading up to Easter, the second coming refers to the anticipated return of Jesus to Earth. An easy explanation of the second coming to a child would involve discussing how Jesus will come back someday to bring peace and love to all.


Q: How do I explain Lent to a child?

A: Explaining Lent to a child can be done in a simple and engaging manner. Start by discussing Lent as a religious season observed by Christians, usually lasting for 40 days leading up to Easter. Explain that it is a time for reflection, repentance, and preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.

Q: What is the meaning of Lent for kids?

A: Lent is a time when Christians reflect on their faith and make sacrifices in preparation for Easter. For kids, it can be explained as a special time to think about Jesus and do things that help us become better people. It’s a time to be kind, helpful, and think about others.

Q: Are there any Lenten traditions suitable for children?

A: Yes, there are several Lenten traditions that can be practiced with children. Some examples include fasting from certain foods or activities, engaging in prayer, and giving to those in need. You can also create a Lenten calendar or perform acts of kindness together.

Q: What are the symbols associated with Lent?

A: Lent is often symbolized by the cross, ashes, and the color purple. The cross represents Jesus’ sacrifice, ashes remind us of our mortality and need for repentance, and purple is a color of penance and preparation. These symbols help us visualize the meaning of Lent.

Q: How can I involve my children in Lenten practices at church?

A: Attending Lenten services at church is a great way to involve children in the Lenten season. Explain the significance of services such as Ash Wednesday or Stations of the Cross and prepare children by discussing the symbolism. You can also engage them in age-appropriate activities during the service.

Q: How do I address difficult questions about sacrifice and temptation during Lent?

A: Children may have questions about why people give up things during Lent or why Jesus was tempted in the desert. Explain that Lent is a time to make sacrifices and practice self-discipline, just like Jesus did. Emphasize the importance of growth and spiritual reflection during this season.

Q: What are some engaging Lenten activities for kids?

A: There are various Lenten activities that are both fun and educational for children. You can read Bible stories related to Lent, create artwork or crafts inspired by Lenten themes, and participate in charitable acts. These activities help deepen a child’s understanding of Lent.

Q: How can I teach my child about love and compassion during Lent?

A: During Lent, it is important to emphasize the values of love, compassion, and caring for others. Explain to children that while Lent involves personal sacrifice, it is also a time to show kindness to those in need. Encourage them to find ways to help others and share stories of love and compassion during Lent.

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